SUM AiR—ilvs strauss

Jul 24 – Aug 9, 2024

We’re pleased to welcome our SUM gallery artist-in-residence (SUM-AiR), ilvs strauss, to SUM gallery, July 26 – Aug 9, 2024. Over the coming weeks, ilvs (pronounced “elvis”, pronouns she/her) will be developing her project, “everything i heard over the course of the day all at once”: a multimedia performance project that is part informative lecture, part love letter, and part immersive concert. In addition to her SUM-AiR residency, ilvs will be leading a free Open House event on August 9 and a QLab workshop on August 10 — read on for more info.

ABOUT ilvs strauss

ilvs strauss (pronounced “elvis”, pronouns she/her) is an analytical chemist turned multi-disciplinary performance artist and theatre technician living and making work in the unceded and ancestral lands of the Coast Salish People. Born in California, raised in Portland, and working in Seattle before relocating to Vancouver, ilvs has worked extensively in the fields of dance, sound art, poetry, multimedia and visual art, and has also worked as a technical director, lighting designer, and strategic facilitator.

Open House: ilvs strauss
Friday August 9, 5 – 7pm

Join us at SUM gallery on Friday, August 9, from 5pm – 7pm, as we celebrate ilvs strauss’s residency with an Artist-in-Residence Open House. This will be a unique opportunity to meet ilvs and experience her most recent work-in-progress, an integrated media performance piece focused on Sound.

Bring your ears for a guided journey through a labyrinth of intentional sound, audible and otherwise. Along the way, we’ll flip through the catalog of basic human needs, delve into an inquiry re: the advent of language, and watch a video of the letter ’n’ being typed repeatedly in a word document, amongst other things. A discerning, bilingual listening party that raises the questions: What is it we hear? What is it we want to hear?

(Oye, mi español no es 100%, so I used Google Translate. Espero que makes sense. -ilvs)
Únase a nosotros en la galería SUM el viernes, 9 de agosto, de 5 p. m. a 7 p. m., mientras celebramos la residencia de ilvs strauss con una jornada de puertas abiertas para artistas en residencia. Esta será una oportunidad única para conocer a ilvs y experimentar su trabajo en progreso más reciente, pieza de performance de medios integrados centrada en el sonido.

Traiga sus oídos para un viaje guiado a través de un laberinto de sonido intencional, audible o no. En el camino, hojearemos el catálogo de necesidades humanas básicas, profundizaremos en una investigación sobre: la llegada del lenguaje, y veremos un video de la letra ‘n’ escrita repetidamente en un documento de word, entre otras cosas. Un grupo de escucha bilingüe y perspicaz que plantea las preguntas: ¿Qué es lo que escuchamos? ¿Qué es lo que queremos escuchar?

This Open House is free to attend but registration is recommended. Register HERE

Workshop: QLab Basics for Creators
Saturday August 10, 2 – 4pm

Come learn the basics of QLab with our SUM gallery artist-in-residence, ilvs strauss! QLab is a multimedia playback software package used in theatre and live entertainment around the world. In other words, it’s the program you use to play sound in your show. It is an essential tool for theatre makers, dancers, live performers and creators of any kind. 
In this workshop, you will learn how to import music tracks, how to program a QLab file to play your audio track replete with layers and fades, how to export a show-ready QLab bundle, and other tricks too numerous to list!

You should bring these things:
– your Mac laptop (note: QLab is not compatible with PCs)
– at least one music file (any format, ideally on your laptop)

If you have QLab already, great! If not, we’ll go over how to download it – there’s a free version available that is quite robust. No previous experience required. Come if you already know a few things and want to sharpen your skills! Register for the workshop HERE.